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Top Facts and Tips for Teen Driver Safety

Jun 29, 2021, 3:53 pm / Evelyn Smith

Teenagers easily get excited as soon as they get their license to drive, as this is the time when they feel a sense of independence in their own car. However, for the parents, this could be frightening as they think of their teen's safety when they first go out on the road. Here are some facts and safe driving tips for teenage drivers that could be helpful to both parents and their kids.


1. Higher crash rates

Teen drivers aged 16-19 are more exposed to dangers of car crashes, compared to other age groups. In fact, per mile driven, younger drivers are three times more likely to get involved in fatal crashes than those older drivers. Driving requires experience and attention, especially for novice drivers, who are yet to be very familiar with traffic laws, road signs and safety practices.

2. Talking on the phone while driving

Today's teenagers seem to not be able to put their phones down, even while driving, which makes them susceptible to the dangers of the road. They quickly answer their phones when someone calls and they tend to look at their devices every few minutes to check their messages and make a reply to messages and social media notifications.

3. First year of driving

Among those who are most likely to get involved in a car crash are the teenage drivers who just got the license to drive. Their first year of driving should be scrutinized by parents very carefully. These kids are inexperienced and some of them are reckless. They tend to underestimate road situations that can cause them serious injury.


1. Participate in a safe driving course

Teen drivers' lack of experience and the risk-taking behavior of many can increase their risk of crashes. Enrolling in a safe driving course will enable these young adults to make driving decisions that are legal, safe and respectful. Through these courses, teen drivers get additional training and guidance that will improve their decision-making abilities.

2. Use car technology and safety features

Innovative products are now available that will improve teens' safety driving. The blind spot detection feature, for example, is a device that will detect other vehicles that are on the side and rear of the teen drivers. The parking assistant, through its radar technology, cameras and sensors allow the vehicle to do most of the work, when parking in a desired spot.

Another helpful technology is the Lanmodo night vision, a high-tech night vision camera for your car. It has everything needed and can enhance your visibility of the oncoming road. This night vision system provides full color image with 1080p resolution and its 8” IPS screen and gives you the ability to judge the road ahead. The driver is also provided with a wider view of the road, with a 45-degree wide angle vision and a night view distance of 300m (984 ft). The Lanmodo Vast Pro night vision camera is suitable for night driving and bad weather conditions, especially in rainy and foggy weathers. This system is also very affordable and its installation is a breeze.

3. Don't be distracted, rather focus on the road

Talking and texting on your cellphone is a dangerous distraction, also when you try to find good music on the car radio. The best advice is to use cellphones only during rest or a stop. Prevent yourself from eating and drinking while driving. When you are feeling sleepy, it would be for your best interest to pull off and get some rest first.

4. Keep speed down

21% of teen drivers crash were caused by very fast driving. Inexperienced teens should learn how to manage their speed. Speed limits that are posted on roadside are applicable to ideal road conditions. It is up to the driver to match his speed to the conditions of the road. Driving at higher speeds will make it difficult for the driver to control the car or stop it at a safe distance, when it becomes necessary.

5. Limit the number of passengers in the car

Some states allow teens to have other teenage passengers, even during the months of solo driving. This practice can create a dangerous driving environment, because new drivers tend to focus on conversations with their friends instead of the road. Perhaps having one passenger will be a safe option.

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