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Experiencing Blurred Vision When Driving At Night? What Needs To Be Done?

Jun 29, 2021, 4:04 pm / Evelyn Smith

Does the oncoming glare of headlights on the road make you anxious as you drive at night? From a decrease in natural light to a myriad of eye issues, old age, and poor maintenance of your windshield - there can be several reasons why you face difficulties while driving at night. We as humans feel tired as night dawns in and this causes our visual system to be fatigued. So what can be done to make night driving much safer?

1. What Are The Reasons Behind Blurry Vision at Night?

It is crucial for you to find out the underlying reason behind the strain that is exerted in your eyes as you drive. If you are already facing vision problems, it is bound to worsen if you continue driving at night. Check out some of the common reasons behind blurry vision at night.

  1. Myopia
  2. The primary symptom of near-sightedness or myopia is experiencing blurry vision either in one eye or both the eyes. This will be followed by headaches, eye strain, and squinting. Myopia is the reason why you see blurred objects in the distance, and it is also the most common type of refractive error.

  3. Hyperopia
  4. Another reason behind the blurred vision is farsightedness or hyperopia. Though you can see the objects that lie in the distance it becomes extremely difficult to focus on them, or it results in fatigue and unusual eye strain.

  5. Chronic
  6. Particularly older adults face the problem of chronic dry eye. Those who suffer from dry eyes fail to produce enough tears to spread across the eye's front surface, so your eyes may feel strained.

  7. Dirty
  8. Even when the weather conditions are as clear as the day you might feel you are driving through fog. This is because of a dirty windshield. If you fail to clean your windshields on a regular basis, dirt and dust will accumulate on them, which can prove to be a safety hazard.

  9. Lack
  10. Lack of proper rest or a goodnight's sleep is also the common cause for eye spasms. If eyes fail to get a minimum of 5 hours of sleep every day, they fail to revive themselves, and this causes blurred vision.

2. Ways To Improve Driving Safety

When objects start appearing hazy and out of focus, it can be the result of the loss of eyesight. After taking a look at the primary reasons behind such a severe problem, it is time to discuss ways that you can use to drive safely.

  1. Regular eye check-ups
  2. Going through an annual eye exam is crucial. This will not only keep your prescription updated but also handle critical eye conditions. Every reason that contributes to poor night vision will be identified and treated.

  3. Use night vision system
  4. Be it poor night vision or heavy rain, bad road conditions - the visibility of the road that lies ahead can be affected, when a Lanmodo Vast Pro night vision system can be of great help. It contains a 8-inch IPS screen, not only friendly to eyes but also helps to judge the conditions of the road quickly while you are driving. With a night vision camera, Lanmodo system can provide high-resolution and full-color image even in dark conditions, so you will see the road ahead clearly. Besides, the camera provides a 45-degree angle view of the road, this way, drivers can avoid accidents and take measures in advance regarding the situation on the road. If you often drive at night and have problem seeing clearly of the road, then Lanmodo night vision system is surely the best choice.

  5. Clean your windshield
  6. You might fail to realize that your windshield is dirty during the day. However, it will cause glare during the night. Check them on a regular basis and keep them clean, so you will get a clearer view.

  7. Ensure enough rest
  8. You need to get proper rest and plenty of sleep to erase fatigue and blurry vision. Don't ever skip on sleeping for it will have a negative impact on your driving skills, and remember not to drive for continuous hours.

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